Creating an exclusive digital shopping experience for high potential clientele.

Project Overview

SSENSE [es-uhns] is an online retailer that specializes in high end designer brands and streetwear. Since its inception in 2003, SSENSE is seeing a global growth and expansion in the next couple of years. The current eCommerce climate in a post pandemic society skyrocketed with new opportunities and business venture. How can a fashion retailer align itself to the current conditions of the market?

The Process

The Role

UX Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer

* Conceptual project in November 2021 (Duration: 8 weeks) *
SSENSE cover photo

Very Important Client (VIC) Program

An invite-only program that offers SSENSE high potential clientele an exclusive shopping experience as a loyal customer.
Hi-fi prototype

VIC Program invitation

Hi-fi prototype

Personal Stylist messenger

Hi-fi prototype

VIC dashboard

Hi-fi prototype

VIC Program requirement modal


How can SSENSE generate business with the current market conditions?

With the recent shift in the market due to the global pandemic that favours eCommerce, how can SSENSE leverage itself from its competitors?

Understanding the brand and its vision.


target a different kind of demographics compared to its competitors


have a specific brand image and identity that could exclude certain audience from the market.


exploring and offering different business and services.


more retailers are now creating a stronger eCommerce and online presence since the pandemic


Exploring the business opportunities.

SSENSE value proposition canvas
Determining the customer's experience when shopping at SSENSE.
Focus on elevating the shopping experience of SSENSE customers.
Establishing the possible solutions to customer's challenges when shopping at SSENSE.

Understanding the preferences and behaviours of online shoppers.

After interviewing 5 participants, I've defined the client.

Introducing High Spender Harlow.

Harlow is a second generation immigrant from China. She sees Fashion as a form of Art. She appreciates the exclusivity that some stores and brands offer her. She has an eye for unique and one-of-a-kind pieces which explains her love for vintage. She's relevant, updated and bold with an appreciation of the finest thing in life.

She sees time as money and speed and convenience are her top priorities when shopping.

Harlow Chung Persona

"I hate having what everyone has. I like quiet items. If you know, you know."

"I spend money at places that I love because they treat me like I am important."

"Whoever has the item that I want, that's where I will buy it!"


Aligning my research to the right direction.

Through my interview with the stakeholder, I found that identifying and retaining high potential clientele is the business opportunity that SSENSE is pursuing at the moment.

With the brand's focus on growth globally, their loyalty program is still at its infantry. SSENSE want to expand and tap bigger demographics in various international market.

Sonia Sun's picture

Sonia Sun

Online Personal Styling Manager

"We focus on the culture instead of the business. We value our clientele and are invested on establishing our high potential clients. SSENSE is expanding and we want our clientele to grow with us."


The key insights

Time is money

Luxury clientele prioritizes time the most when it comes to shopping. They want it fast and they want it now.

Offer exclusivity

VIC status holders desire exclusivity. However, as a business, how do we balance the acquisition of high potential clientele and new customers?

Keep up with time

How can SSENSE provide a personalized experience for their clients through technology?

Loyalty is the key

Loyalty is crucial when it comes to building client relationship. How can a company elevate itself from the competition to solidify client loyalty to the brand?


The problem statements.

How might we strengthen the client-brand relationship to establish loyalty?

How might we deliver the same customer service of brick and mortar stores to eCommerce?

How might we develop a unique and personalized product for SSENSE high potential clientele?

How might we create a user friendly and efficient shopping experience for SSENSE customers?


How might we...

...engage and retain high potential clientele to establish loyalty and ultimately generate more business for SSENSE?


Introducing the Very Important Client (VIC) Program.

Developing a personalized VIC dashboard that features the benefits of the program.

Carefully selected stories and articles by personal stylist that reflect client's aspirations and attitude.
A section for invitation to early access and private events that are exclusively offered to VIC status holders.
landing page that presents VIC the benefits of being part of the program such as concierge service, free shipping & return, early access & private sale and upcoming exclusive events.

Creating exceptional customer service through online personal styling.

Creating notifications to alert clients of upcoming events and new messages from their stylist.
Adding a stylist's pick section with curated pieces according to specific client's taste and personality.
Designing a messenger for client and personal stylist for easy communication.

Developing the information architecture of the VIC program through user flow.

SSENSE userflow VIC program

Client Engagement

Once a high potential client has been established, how can SSENSE engage with these clients?

Client Onboarding

Now that we have their attention, how can SSENSE make the onboarding process desirable?

Client Retention

Most importantly, how can SSENSE retain these clients to exclusively shop at their website and participate in the VIC program?


Lo-fi sketches that follow the brand's identity.

Understanding the customer user flow, I started with few sketches to generate some design ideas that align with the SSENSE brand and image.

SSENSE sketch wireframeSSENSE sketch wireframe
Web landing page that presents the benefits of attaining a VIC status.
SSENSE sketch wireframeSSENSE sketch wireframe
Mobile client dashboard that showcases VIC status, personal styling messenger and curated items.


Building high fidelity prototype ready for usability testing.

Using Figma, I created high fidelity prototype for both web and mobile. Strictly following SSENSE's brand identity through their UI and integrating my design within its parameters.

Mobile Prototype

SSENSE mobile wireframeSSENSE mobile wireframeSSENSE mobile wireframeSSENSE mobile wireframe

The initial screen where VICs will be directed to explore the program in details.

SSENSE mobile wireframeSSENSE mobile wireframeSSENSE mobile wireframe

Personalized VIC dashboard with annual spent and program status.

SSENSE mobile wireframeSSENSE mobile wireframe

Messenger with personal styling and notifications.

Web Prototype

Current SSENSE personal shopping page
The current SSENSE personal shopping page for high potential clients.
Redesigned and the introduction of VIC program.

Client Engagement

Initial screens where VIC can explore the benefits and features of being invited to SSENSE VIC program.
SSENSE Web prototypeSSENSE Web prototypeSSENSE Web prototype

Client Onboarding

Log in screens for the high potential clients to access their personalized dashboard and learn more about their VIC status.
SSENSE Web prototypeSSENSE Web prototypeSSENSE Web prototype

Client Retention

Personalized client dashboard and the features that comes with being a VIC.
SSENSE Web prototypeSSENSE Web prototypeSSENSE Web prototype


Exploring how users interact with the design.

I tested my mobile prototype using Useberry with 10 participants. I've sent also sent the test to the 5 participants that were part of my interview earlier.

First task

The participants were asked to find a way to contact their designated personal stylist.


Success rate

55.8 s

Average time


found the task easy to complete

SSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test result

Second Task

For the second task, participants were asked to find out the requirements for SSENSE's VIC program.


Completion rate

3 min 55 sec

Average time


Find this task very complicated to complete

SSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test resultSSENSE heatmap test result

The initial design and a new direction.

Contacting your personal stylist

When contacting the VIC's designated personal stylist, the client can click on the stylist's name and a messenger modal will pop up to communicate easily. There is also a CTA button on the stylist's pick section on the client dashboard and a notification on the top of the screen whenever there is a new message.

VIC program requirements
and status initial design
Initial wireframe SSENSE
"I tried moving the star and nothing happened."

Participant 1

"I don't know how to find out how to be a VIC. I wouldn't know to click on that until you told me."

Participant 2

VIC Program requirement and status

During the design of the client dashboard, I have consulted back to my interviewees regarding the information they would find helpful to be on their profile - specifically the annual spent and the ways I could visually integrate those numbers that is not intimidating.


Reflection and the next steps.

Create more iterations
Develop more iterations and different ways to showcase the program without sacrificing the SSENSE brand identity.
Conduct more testing
More iteration means more usability testing. With a tight project deadline, I only managed to go through one round of testing. I want to conduct A/B testing and card sorting to validate the program's information architecture.
Analyze datas and results
Taking this project further, I would like to gather datas and KPI to determine the program's success through ROI.